

Youth Department

Captains Joyce & Josh Downer

Josh Downer is the DYS (Divisional Youth Secretary) for the BC Division of The Salvation Army, and Joyce supports the ministry of the youth department and camps while also serving as the DCS (Divisional Candidates Secretary).  Together they get to be part of supporting children, teen and young adult ministry in SA ministry units across beautiful BC. They also get to be part of the vital ministry of the Army’s 2 camps in the Division:  Camp Mountainview and Camp Sunrise. They are passionate about Jesus, discipleship, and the transforming power of camp.  Joyce and Josh have been married for over a decade and officers / pastors for the same amount of time. Their ministry has taken them from coast-to-coast – beginning in Cape Breton Island, NS and following a couple of stops in between, to settle here in Burnaby, BC. Joyce and Josh have 4 children, and it is a gift for them to serve together as a family in camping, children and youth ministry. “The Downer Six” love people and adventure; and have fallen in love with the people and places here on the West Coast.

CaitlinW-400x300Caitlin West

Caitlin has worked at Camp Sunrise since 2012 and has a deep passion for the transformation that comes when we invest time into our Children and Youth. Now in her role at DHQ (Divisional Headquarters), she hopes to bring the love of Jesus through all aspects of her ministry and help to foster deep and meaningful relationships through the programs that we offer. Through her background in Human Kinetics, she believes deeply in the holistic approach to care and the beauty that can be found in nature. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to podcasts, baking and eating sourdough and watching sports.

Nicole-Cummings-400x300Nicole Cummings

Nicole started as a camper at Camp Sunrise. A few years later she went on to become a cabin leader, and now she works at DHQ Youth Department as their Administrative Coordinator. Nicole likes her job, it fulfills her passion for practical ministry. She values human connection and enjoys meeting people where they are to be able to show them Jesus’ love in a practical way. In Nicole’s spare time, she enjoys rock climbing, snowboarding, and hanging out with her super awesome friends.

Kessa Daniels

Kessa Daniels  is the Registrar at BCYD.  She has been involved in camping ministry since 2013 and has been attending Salvation Army camps since the early 2000’s. She grew up as a camper at Camp Sunrise before moving up north where she got involved with Camp Mountainview. She absolutely loves the camp environment and how it draws people closer to Creator. Her and her husband, Brekin, live in Prince George with their son, Malakai, miniature dachshund, Mason, cats, Rigby and Polka-Dot, and their little baby on the way! In her spare time, you’ll find her dancing, teaching others to dance, helping out around her home corps, or exploring the great outdoors with her family.

Jillian Penney

Jill began youth ministry with The Salvation Army in Vernon in 2016 and fell in love with it immediately. She believes in equipping teens, kids, and their families to explore a personal faith and then live it out authentically. In 2020, Jill joined the BC Youth Team as a regional program coordinator. Jill loves being a part of the divisional team and doing her part to share the mission and vision of the Youth Department to her neighbours in the Interior. In her free time, you can find her trying a new recipe, chasing a beautiful view, or strolling the aisles at Walmart.

Carolyn-Jones-400x300Carolyn Jones

Carolyn Jones has worked as the Children and Youth Ministry Director at the Nanaimo Corp since 2017 and loves to teach children and youth about God. With her Bachelor of Elementary Education Degree and years of teaching experience, Carolyn enjoys teaching children and youth about God’s love for them through fun games, science experiments as well as arts, crafts, music and drama. Carolyn loves to help make sure kids get to go to camp because she knows that camp can change lives as kids and teens feel God’s love surrounding them through the camp staff and nature itself. As the Regional Youth Coordinator for the Island through DHQ Carolyn looks forward to connecting with her fellow Children and Youth Ministry leaders and Corps Officers as she works together with them to connect and plan some fantastic Salvation Army Island events!

Erika-Shaye Thompson

Erika-Shaye works for BCYD as the Lower Mainland Regional Representative, as well as she works for Cariboo Hill Temple in Burnaby as the Children’s Outreach Worker. She loves running fun, high energy events for the community and being involved with the Salvation Army churches all around Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley.

Camp Mountainview

Damian-Erica-A-400x300Erica & Damian Azak

Damian and Erica Azak have been involved with ministry at Camp Mountainview and BC North in many different capacities. Damian began at Camp Mountainview as a camper in 1987. Erica first worked there, traveling from Newfoundland in the summer of 2002. They are both passionate about camping ministry and kids in the north and left their teaching jobs in 2010 to work for Camp Mountainview full time. They love being outside, seeing kids grow and singing in a Nisga’a dance group. They have two German Shepherds and two girls, Tory and Judy.

Camp Sunrise

BobY-400x300Bob Young

Bob has faithfully cared for Camp Sunrise as Maintenance Supervisor since 2005. Bob’s dedication has ensured that thousands of campers have been able to come and have a fantastic experience at Camp Sunrise!